The ordinary things

This is so true!


Since life is mostly made up of “ordinary” things…it’s pretty important to find the right person to do those things with!

I’m so glad I found the right person to experience this journey called life!

He has made it pretty “extraordinary” that’s for sure! ๐Ÿ™‚

7 thoughts on “The ordinary things

  1. Power Summit says:

    “Extraordinary” is, I’m sure, a euphemism for WILD- CRAZY-ARE YOU KIDDING ME…WHAT IN THE WORLD ARE YOU UP TO NOW

  2. I love this. Yes, in order for things to be extraordinary, people must put the little extra in the ordinary.

    • Becky says:

      It certainly makes a difference doesn’t it? Sometimes it’s okay to just kick back and relax though too ๐Ÿ™‚ But, I like the idea of looking out for extraordinary things!

  3. I love this post – so true! I am glad to hear you have the right person too.

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