And the nominations are…

My blogging friend, Margaret Langridge has nominated me for this awesome award.

It has taken me much to long to respond to it though, and she has probably forgotten by now that she even did this for me!

So, do me a favor and check out her blog, it’s amazing! I know you will enjoy it as much as I have, it’s called: Along Life’s Road

The award she has so graciously bestowed upon me is:

The Versatile Blogger Award

Don’t know what it is?

I didn’t either, but I checked it out, and now I know.  You can check it out to, just click on this link.


The “rules” for this award go like this…

  •  Display the Award Certificate on your blog (check the link, it gives details on how to do this)
  •  Announce your win with a post and thank the blogger who nominated you.
  •  Present 15 deserving bloggers with the award.
  •  Finally, tell the person who nominated you 7 things about yourself.

So my list of 15 goes something like this…(in no particular order…they’re all good!)

1. Northwest Frame of Mind

2. Oldest Daughter & Redheaded Sister

3. This Man’s Journey

4. Clicky Chick Creates

5. Rainbow Bakery

6. Fly Softly My Love

7. Greenlight Lady

8. Behind the Willows 

9. Knitting Rays of Hope

10. Simply Sage

11. Living, Loving, Laughing

12. Apple Hill Cottage

13. Have Teacup Will Travel

14. Life and Ink

15. Rhythms of Grace

Each one of these people/blogs have impacted my life in a way I never thought possible.  I really hope that you will give them a visit to find out how wonderful they truly are!

And the 7 things about myself…

1. I’m the baby of the family, the youngest of 4

2. I was born in Portland OR

3. I have traveled to all but 4 states in the United States

4. I have never been to Europe, but I would like to go some day

5. I’ve been married for 33 years to the love of my life!

6. I like watching most sports, except boxing…I don’t get that one!

7. I enjoy cooking, especially with my husband

And finally…thank you Margaret…you’re amazing!